
Tutorials and Training

The Tutorial is to be used as a training and explanation tool in the use of the program. It explains the procedures to be followed in use of the program and provides a brief explanation of the principles upon which the program is based.

It will explain both the potential and limitations of the program so that the user will know the full extent to which the program may be used. The tutorial will include tests covering the materials of the sections which the user must pass with a grade of 80% or higher in order to be granted a user PIN code, which is required to use the program as described above.

There will be periodical re-tests of the material in the form of questions either new or from previous tests which will be required to maintain user certification or if new information, code updates, material specifications etc, are incorporated into the program .

We can and will set dates on a quarterly or annual basis for users to be retested. Retesting will be required to be completed within a set deadline of the notification date.

Please note that the FPPi Help Desk is not a free service. Several hours of access are included in your annual enrollment fee, but hours required after the expenditure of the allotment will require the purchase of an addition time allotment.

Go to the online Customer Service pages for package rates and payment terms.